Original Item: Only One Pair Available. As with all losing sides of a conflict, the final year of the war is always a scramble to keep your troops armed, clothed and fed. With the dwindling resources, manufacturer had to find alternate methods of creating these items, such as replacement material (Ersatz). Next to the food shortage, the shortage of shoes was one of the most pressing problems for the Confederate Army. The Rebel army was a walking army. Many times they were without shoes but still marched into battle. While the Confederate Boots/Shoes were not marked, there are characteristics of each one made, take this one for example, “Wooden Shoe Sole” for A.T. Purejoy of Forestville, North Carolina. The patent for these wooden soled Brogen style shoes is Number 264 which is the November 22, 1864 patent date for this company. Brogans are coarse stout leather ankle length shoes.
The boots themselves are in incredible condition especially for the age and materials used. The wood is unbelievably still solid with minimal cracking present. The leather is also very solid, indicating that these may have not seen much use during the war. The leather is rough to touch but not delicate as most encountered. The tongues are still attached very well as is the leather reinforcement tabs on the back of the shoes at the seams. There are no laces present.
An incredible pair of shoes that are no longer “found in the wild”! Comes more than ready for further research and display.